In Print No. 3

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This issue begins and ends with the anger of women who are not heard. Celine Aenlle-Rocha and Mariam Magsi’s voices reach out with a demanding urgency, bracketing the volume. Between those two poles are other characters rendered voiceless or ignored in different ways: the industrial workers who haunt Helen Jingyuan Hou’s poems, the artists’ models in Kathleen Hellen’s poems and Jane Downs’ short story, the women who play with conventional gender expectations in Annie Lampman’s poems. They want your full attention. And when they get it, you might, like the narrator of Eleanor Lerman’s short story, become conscious of the astonishingly powerful women standing in every part of your life.
A blown engine should never be ambiguous.
There are measures of this: excess of tailpipe oil
lining the ridges of your thumbprint, a finger-full of black,
blue clouds of exhaust billowing out behind you.
Letter to White Women: June 8th, 2018 by Celine Aenlle-Rocha
I Can Hear by Helen Jingyuan Hou
House Flippers by Helen Jingyan Hou
Mysterious Constellations by Eleanor Lerman
360 Magnum by Annie Lampman
My Island by Annie Lampman
Impression, Lucia Leaving by Jane Downs
Pictures in a Small Café by Kathleen Hellen
Pink Ballerinas by Kathleen Hellen
What’s in a Name? by Mariam Magsi
About the Authors
Celine Aenlle-Rocha is a writer from Miami and Los Angeles, now residing in New York City. She has contributed to literary magazines HIKA, Luna de la cosecha, Broad! Magazine, The Suburban Review, among others, and is an MFA candidate in Fiction at Columbia University.
Jane Downs is a British writer living in Paris, France. Since graduating from Cambridge University with a degree in Arabic, she has traveled extensively in the Middle East and North Africa, pen in hand all the way. Her audio drama Battle Cries was produced by the Wireless Theatre Company in 2013, whilst the story “All Dressed Up” was long-listed for the 2015 Carried in Waves award and has subsequently been recorded as a podcast. Other works include short stories, poetry and reportage and have been published by Litro magazine in the UK (
Kathleen Hellen is the author of The Only Country was the Color of My Skin (2018), the award-winning collection Umberto’s Night, and two chapbooks, The Girl Who Loved Mothra and Pentimento. Nominated for the Pushcart and Best of the Net, and featured on Poetry Daily, her poems have won the Washington Writers’ Publishing House prize, the Thomas Merton poetry prize and prizes from the H.O.W. Journal and Washington Square Review. For more on Hellen, visit
Helen Jingyuan Hou is a poet holding degrees from the University of Oregon (2011), Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2012), UMass Amherst (2015), and Sarah Lawrence College (2019). She attended the Iowa Writer’s Workshop summer session (2012) and was the recipient of a Diversity Fellowship at UMass Amherst. She splits her time between Hong Kong and the states.
Annie Lampman is an honors creative writing professor at the Washington State University Honors College. Her short fiction, narrative essays, and poetry have recently been published in journals and anthologies such as The Normal School, The Massachusetts Review, and Women Writing the West among numerous others. Her work has been awarded the 2019 Dogwood Literary Award in Fiction; a Best American Essays “Notable”; a Pushcart Prize Special Mention; first place in the Everybody Writes contest; an Idaho Commission on the Arts writing grant; a national wilderness artist’s residency through the Bureau of Land Management; and has been either shortlisted/longlisted in several national writing contests. Her poetry chapbook Burning Time is forthcoming from Dancing Girl Press. She lives in Moscow, ID with her husband, three sons, two huskies, and a cat named Bonsai.
Eleanor Lerman is the author of numerous award-winning collections of poetry, short stories and novels. She is a National Book Award finalist, the recipient of the 2006 Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize from the Academy of American Poets, and was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship as well as fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts for poetry and the New York Foundation for the Arts for fiction. In 2016, her novel Radiomen (The Permanent Press) was awarded the John W. Campbell Prize for the Best Book of Science Fiction. Her most recent novel, The Stargazer’s Embassy (Mayapple Press, 2017), received an American Fiction Award from American Book Fest in 2018. Her next novel, Satellite Street, will be published later this year.
Born and raised in Karachi, Pakistan and currently living and working in Toronto, Canada, Mariam Magsi is a multidisciplinary artist working in photography, performance, installation, video, poetry and other arts.
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