200 Women: Who Will Change the Way You See the World
200 Women: Who Will Change the Way You See the World is an immersive exhibition celebrating women who share their stories to shine a light on gender equality.
200 Women: Who Will Change the Way You See the World, a new immersive exhibition celebrating women who share their stories to shine a light on gender equality, is on view at Pen + Brush in New York City through June 30th. Presented by BMW Group, 200 Women: Who Will Change the Way You See the World portrays some of these remarkable women with photographic portraits and video interviews designed to provoke thought on diversity and equality through the stories of 200 women from around the world.
Based on the storytelling project and book of the same name by creators Geoff Blackwell and Ruth Hobday and published by Chronicle Books, the exhibition is inspired by the simple idea of photographing and filming 200 women—regardless of nationality, race, religion, status or celebrity—in front of a plain sheet of fabric. The project is founded on 200 original interviews where 200 women are asked five fundamental questions about what is most important to them in their life, and photographed by Kieran E. Scott.

200 Women: Who Will Change the Way You See the World
May 16 – June 30, 2018
Pen + Brush
29 East 22nd Street, New York, NY
Gallery Hours: 12-6pm, Tuesday – Saturday